Chat has become an integral part of communication in today’s world. Whether it is informal discussions or critical things that need immediate attention, chat apps are the first choice for people in every walk of life and workplaces aren’t behind. The enterprise world is taken by a storm with multiple chat apps trying to deliver the promise of productivity. People in the workplace do like a dedicated chat app for having only workplace communication without having to share their personal information.
Introducing Big Chat
Keeping in view that chat is an essential element of communication within teams that are working remotely or on the go, Convo offers its user a fully functional chat feature within the platform. Now, it’s making that experience better with an all new chat view that’s surely to make your work conversations faster and easier.
Multiple Discussions in the same place
A major advantage of big chat is that it allows you to shift between multiple conversation within the same window. No more going back and forth in chat windows to have multiple discussions at the same time. Everything you need is right in your view and just one click away.
A better chat experience, for a better work performance
Big chat on Convo takes a modern approach to the basic chat window and provides a full page view of all chats to its users. Not only can you have a bigger space, but also get all your shared files and documents neatly organised and accessible without having to shift your focus. This makes conversations flow easily, getting to important information faster, and improves overall workplace performance.
Have Distraction Free Deep Conversations
Having critical discussions about projects requires a distraction less environment and 100% focus. Big chat offers its users exactly that. It provides an interface where users can easily have long detailed discussions without being distracted by the activity in news feed or multiple hidden chat notifications that require you to close the current chat window and open other ones.
Try out Big Chat and Make Big Things Happen
If you haven’t tried out big chat on Convo yet, simply open your chat window, click on the expand icon to open big chat and start having faster discussions without any distractions.
Still not a Convo user? Here’s all the more reason why you should join. Bring your team over to Convo and start using for free today at