The entire business world is changing rapidly. But while the HR is guiding all this corporate change, the HR department itself requires changes to evolve into a more technology-based profession. Though HR serves as a helping hand, it has its own challenges and struggles. However, these challenges can be overcome by embarking into the modern world of HR with Convo. Convo will not only streamline and automate the operations of HR but will also help the department drive a successful change across the organization. 

The future of onboarding

Building a strong manager-employee relationship is one of the most challenging part of the onboarding process. But through Convo you can seamlessly onboard employees where the HR can create a post for the newcomer to connect with the relevant team members.

Not just that, you can also decrease the amount of paperwork for your HR department by sharing the training sessions, updates on upcoming workshops, forms, policies, SOP documents (contract and insurance) in just a click.   

No more chasing around

One of the hardest job of the HR department is to communicate announcements through email with having to check whether it has been read by everyone. However, with Convo’s acknowledgement post feature the HR can now ensure whether the urgent announcements have been read by employees across the organization. So the great news is that you no more have to chase around as you can set notification reminders for every 24 hours.

Your way to motivation

For a fact, public recognition make the employees feel more valued and engaged. But as an HR professional you are not sure about how to begin with it. The HR department can make use of Convo as a platform to highlight and reward high achievers and great employee performances in public, leading to a happier and motivated workforce.

Isolation to engagement

Low employee engagement is a business killer and is a major challenge for the HR department. Overcome the risks associated with a disengaged workforce by having them engaged in the trendiest activities at the workplace through Convo’s Analytics Dashboard. It lets you break off the isolation at digital work streams by keeping the employees up to date with the trending topics and hashtags.

Finding the right fit

One common difficulty faced by the HR department worldwide is the pressure of recruiting the right human resource. Take the stress out of hiring the right fit for your company with Convo. Our go to option of team directory helps in identifying department experts to bring in their valuable opinions. This is definitely a great tool to improve the quality of candidates while reducing potential bad hires.

It is believed that technological advancements make everyday life easier, and we believe that if this change is embraced inside an HR department, it will certainly maximize benefits and minimize problems for the organization as a whole.

Therefore, Convo is your one stop solution to make a strategic impact in your organization. With attention to user experience and loads of features, we strive to spark innovation within the HR department. NOW, it’s time for the HR to step up and shine!