If you run a small business, then you may be missing out on one of the best collaboration tools on the market that can drastically increase your sales.

CONVO is a platform for work conversation that helps teams come together, work faster, and offer great results. Running a small business is not an easy task, from day-to-day meetings with clients, follow-up calls, proposals, and strategies, it hardly leaves time for employees to focus on other tasks. With all the smart collaborative features offered by CONVO, tasks not only become manageable but also boost your sales team’s productivity. Research carried out by the Institute for Corporate Productivity has found that businesses that invest in collaboration tools are five times more likely to have higher sales team performance. 

Convo Group collaboration

By now you must be aware that CONVO makes it easier for businesses to connect with employees, manage daily tasks, and run operations smoothly. Now, the question is how can it help your small business increase its sales?

  1. Increase consumer loyalty by offering consistency

The majority of the consumers expect consistency in brand experience across different channels and touchpoints. For instance, if you run a small clothing business, the consumer would expect a consistent brand tone no matter which platform they use to reach out to you. Your sales team’s goal should be to meet the consumer’s expectations and offer them a satisfying experience across all the channels. CONVO allows you to do that by inviting employees to connect through one platform that integrates all the applications needed to share and collaborate information with a faster response time and easier navigation interface.

  • Improve response time by centralizing all your agents

According to a research study conducted by Harvard Business Review, sales agents who reach leads within an hour are likely to generate 7 times more sales. This proves that when it comes to increasing your sales, speed plays a big part. By centralizing all your agents with a collaboration tool like CONVO, your sales team can maintain a fast-paced workflow and reach customers easily and quickly. With CONVO’s features, you can bring your team together and organize all your conversations to keep your sales team on one page, such as:

• File Sharing

• Threads and Discussions

• Chats: individual and Group

• Groups

• Polls; Text and Image-based

• Audio and Video Calling

• Secure Sharing

• Integrations

• Deep Search

Powerful search feature
  • Track your sales team’s progress

To increase your sales, you must effectively manage your sales teams, and to do so it is important to analyze your team’s performance. For a small business, doing this can be difficult as there are so many other things to look after. But with the following CONVO features, you no longer have to micromanage everything:

CONVO Newsfeed 

Get a wide activity stream of your company, that lets you view everything happening on CONVO, from daily updates to emails, you are a part of everything. The newsfeed updates in real-time and prioritizes your posts based on recent activity. 

CONVO Analytics

Convo collects your organization’s key metrics and helps monitor team performance, activity & throughput. This helps you to make informed decisions and reach goals based on the insights.

CONVO Locate

On consent from the team members, keep track of your on-site or remote workforce with CONVO’s Locate feature that tracks an employee’s live location through a live geo-location. This helps in managing daily tasks efficiently, especially for workers who are order bookers or perform outdoor sales.

CONVO is the ideal tool that can help you close your sales deal, have a well-collaborated sales team, and increase overall efficiency.  So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and watch the benefits reflect on the bottom line every day!